It was a pretty good day.


We wrote a summer bucket list, started a year book, and tried to watch a DK movie about Rainforests. Who knew that DK movies were inappropriate for grade one.

I got my reports back today and the only line I had to correct was one I hadn’t written. It was part of the student services report😖


I was incredibly tired from the weekend, but still managed to go out for a run to the mill with Sarah.


We had to move trivia to Monday this week as one of our members couldn’t come on Tuesday.

We got:

What is the name of the actor who played Data on Star Trek?

Brent Spiner

Which Star Wars movie is when Luke found out Darth Vader was his father?

Empire Strikes Back

How long did the Vietnam War last?


In which movie does Adam Sandler play a golfer?

Happy Gilmore

What is the real name of a birdie in Badminton?


What is the name for a dog’s thumb?


Which team plays in the TD Gardens?

Boston Bruins

What do we know Paul Ruebens as?

Peewee Herman

Where do women dress up?


Who is the founder of Wendy’s?

Dave Thomas

Put these three actors in order oldest to youngest.

George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt

How far apart are studs in a load bearing wall?


Where is Graceland located?

Memphis, Tennessee

What is the nickname for Johnny Cash?

Man in Black

Which novel starts, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”?

Tale of Two Cities

Well I need as much sleep as possible.

Have fun!


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