A Different Day

It was a different day, but a lovely change.


I managed to get extra sleep and do my ProD on “loose parts”. It was really neat to learn more about this theory that started in 1971. Though it originally started with outdoor play spaces, I am hoping to do a smaller version within my classroom. I definitely agree with the theory that children are more creative when they are given materials with no set purpose or directions. As kids my brother had GI Joe and LEGO and I had barbies and stuffies, definitely items that lent themselves to a lot of imaginative play. I now have a very long list of items to collect and need to do some further investigation on activities to do in my classroom with these!


I caught an afternoon ferry to the island and have spent a lovely evening with my brother and his family. I carved the bottom pumpkin with my niece, well she carved and I sorted the seeds from the guts. Maybe this will count for my Fall bucket list!

Lots of cups of tea, a puzzle, watching my niece do rhythmic gymnastics and going on a great walk with my sister in law. It was straight uphill, but the view made it worth it!

We even saw a little snake, but I won’t put that picture up in case it bothers people.

Well, I’m off to sleep as those kids will be up early!

Have fun!