SAL Update


This year I am determined and it at least sits on my coffee table now. This is where I was at three weeks ago.

And this is where I am now:

I hope you can see the change in the curtain this time. I have made myself sit and do an hour of stitching each day after I finish my work day. I do find the curtain tough because the colours are so similar to the colour of the Aida cloth! It makes it very difficult to find the holes!

Be sure to check out everyone else’s progress! Welcome back to Helen who is returning g to the SAL. There are some amazing projects! If you’re interested in joining, just click on Avis’ link. HelenJennyAvisClaireGunCaroleSueConstanzeChristinaKathyMargaretCindyHeidiJackieSunnyHayleyMeganDeborah Mary MargaretRenéeCarmelaJocelynSharonDaisyAnneCathieLauraSherrie

My weekend:

I had an awesome weekend with my mom. I glued myself to her side for the weekend, well except for my 10.75km run in the rain this morning with Dennis.

We didn’t do anything super exciting as we’re both still not going around in public a lot. We watched several Hallmark movies and did a puzzle. The puzzle was a lot more difficult than we were expecting! A very low key weekend, but it was awesome to have company!

Have fun!


Stretching Our Skills with Sally

Baking (Stretching My Skills with Sally):

Last year I tried a few of Sally’s Baking Challenge items and quite enjoyed the challenge of trying new things. Most of the people in my life asked why I was doing this, thankfully there are people like Abbey! I was talking with Abbey of Three Cats and a Girl and we decided to both try these challenges and then link up to talk about our results, so please check out her attempts too. I was really interested in doing this because I knew she would be doing the recipes as called for while I would need to convert them to gluten free and dairy free. I should say that I change as little as possible and just sub in gf and df ingredients to see if the recipe will still work.

For May the challenge was mini fruit galettes. I have been trying to only bake when I have somewhere to take the results and thankfully earlier this month I had an outdoor social that was the perfect event.

The recipe was a simple crust recipe that I subbed Bob’s redmill All Purpose Gluten Free flour and Earth Balance Vegan Butter. The fruit, sugar and cornstarch filling was fine as called for. I found the recipe very quick to put together.

The one thing I found was that my filling leaked and burned which I peeled it off, but didn’t like the little remainder it left.

It is so cool that when Kathy read about Abbey’s and my challenge she decided to join us so make sure you go read about her mini fruit galettes too:) She posted them last Saturday and they look amazing!

Thanks Abbey and Kathy for taking on this challenge with me:)


First thing this morning I got a couple of pattern repeats done on my current toque. I only have three repeats left so I will hopefully be done this week!


It was a great day as I spent it with my mom. We didn’t do anything exciting. I made my duvet cover smaller by sewing up two of the sides. I am much happier with it now. We also started the puzzle we had bought for Christmas. It is much more difficult than we thought it would be! We also watched some Hallmark movies. I would like to think these easy, quiet days are good for my mom as she has done nothing but work for the past year!

Well I have a run in the morning!

Have fun!


A Wasted Day

My mom is in town and I didn’t even get to see her today:( A waste of a day!


I met up with Dennis this morning, but neither of us was feeling a run. Thankfully there were two of us so we went anyways. It was almost exactly three kilometers before my legs eased up. The last kilometer downhill was my favourite!

That was unfortunately my only exercise today:(


I spent all five hours checking work today! It was insane how much I had to check after not being able to check for three days.


While my cousin was here replacing my leaky faucet I finally started another knitting project. I had a single ball of yarn hanging around and while my mom thought I should put it with something else to make a bigger project, I decided I really just wanted a toque out of it. I am trying out Joji Locatelli’s A Little Lonely Cable, a free pattern on Ravelry.

Toe up socks will be next I think:)


I needed cheering up after not seeing my mom so I watched another Hallmark movie tonight. Nature of Love was very cute!

Have fun!


Working Wednesday

I was back at work in the school again today.


I actually got through my priority of getting all the assignments for next week up online and getting my classroom tidied up. The coatroom is off limits to kids so I have stashed a lot of stuff in there.

I sat through another one hour boring staff meeting where nothing of consequence or of a helpful nature was said. I hate how it feels like a wasted hour of my life!


On the walk home from school I kept thinking that I would take today as my day off as my running buddy canceled this morning. I was almost home but realized I had to run, clean my bathroom and then I could collapse on the couch.

I did get my butt out the door for my usual run to the mill and back. The park was insanely busy! The skate park was packed with kids and there was a line up of about thirty for the ice cream store. I don’t think I was slow enough today and I will probably pay the price tomorrow.

I got home and got the bathroom cleaned and then did another BeFitDavis workout. This one was three sets of 15 bent over rows, 20 squat thrusters, 10 deadlifts, 40 mountain climbers and 20 reverse lunges with bicep curls. Another day and hopefully another muscle:)


I treated myself to another Hallmark movie called The One and Only. It was another good watch, though just the typical hallmark.

Well I’m off to bed as I have a crazy, early run tomorrow.

Have fun!


Tuesday Trials

Today was a tough day. I am definitely not as productive or efficient at work as I am at home.


Today was a day I had to go into the school. I find myself torn in a zillion directions and don’t really seem to get much done. In addition, everyone is upset about different things and it eventually gets to me.

It definitely doesn’t help that plans changed twice today. As it stands now I will have five students on Monday and Tuesday. Two of those students will go to a different class on Friday and then I will have two students on Thursday and one student on Friday. Overall I will spend four days working with five students and then will have half a day for the other seventeen.

My class as it stands now. The white papers will be the islands the children will get to decorate. It will be their early finishers project for this first week.

I am really not impressed with this plan right now!😩😖😥☹️


I definitely had some emotion to run off so was glad I had a run with Dennis right after school. His allergies are killing him so we just did five kilometers. It was definitely a fast five k though! It was also the first hot day which always gets to me. It’s time to break out the shorts and tanks I guess.

I decided that I should get my workout done too right away. I did another BeFitDavis workout which led to 60 weighted squats, 100 swings, 60 reverse lunges, 40 heel slides, 60 hip raises, and 30 seconds each for both side planks and a reverse plank. Amazingly the heel slides bugged me the most. We’ll see if I can move tomorrow.


The one good thing of going into the school was that I can’t eat anything but I have planned. I’ve had a rice cake with Pb and jam and cheese, a mini kind bar, an apple and peanut butter and a turkey club lettuce wrap (my new favourite meal!)


I rewarded myself with another Hallmark movie tonight. I watched Love in Store and really liked it.

Well that’s it for me.

Have fun!


Monday Again?

It seems to come so much quicker than the weekend does!

I started the day with my grocery shopping after sleeping in. I slept for eleven hours last night! Unfortunately I got to the grocery store just in time to see the Freybe guy drive away:(


I checked work but I have to admit that there wasn’t a ton there so I spent time finding resources for the coming weeks. I figure that time might be in short supply once I’m doing online and in a classroom.


I met up with Sarah for a run. I thought we were running the track because her foot has been sore and she wanted to test it out, but she said she wanted to do the trail so we did. It was horribly wet in there so it was slow as I had worn street shoes, not trail shoes. The best part was definitely flying down the hill to home. I made a 5:28/km coming down which is 9 seconds off my previous best:)

I made myself do a BeFitDavis workout right afterwards. It was three sets of 15 pushups, 25 weighted squats, 15 reverse lunges, 10 burpees, 1 minute plank, 15 tricep dips and 30 weighted sit ups. I definitely felt like I did something!


I forgot to tell you all about the last book I finished. It was Until You’re Mine by Cindi Madsen. I wish I had read this before the other book in the series, but it was still good. I really loved the banter at the start but I always feel let down in that department when they get together and the banter goes away. This book was still enjoyable though.


I was good all day so I got to watch Fashionably Yours tonight. It’s the typical Hallmark movie, but I quite enjoyed it:)


I did no knitting today as my hand was sore, but did package these up for their recipient.

Now I have to decide what I’m going to knit next. Not baby booties!

Well I’m off to bed as I actually have to go into school tomorrow and be there on time!

Have fun!


Finally Finished

I made one thing a priority this weekend and I got it done:)


I met up with Dennis for a dyke run. I had chosen for today this certain route because it goes by a cat hotel.

This is in a gorgeous two story wood barn and I’d live in it, never mind the log mansion behind it. Obviously cat hotels are lucrative.

The only problem with this plan is that we got to the end of this dyke in 2.8km, so we decided to run the long way around by the road. Well by the time we made it back to the car we had done 11.49km. I’m just happy I managed to do that and my last kilometer was my fastest:)

This evening I made myself do a workout too. I did another one of my movie workouts and ended up doing a minute of jogging between the following:

40 bicep curls, 40 curtsy lunges, 20 crunches, 20 bent over rows, 20 deadlifts, 20 reverse crunches, 40 front raises, 20 squats, 20 Russian twists, 20 shoulder presses, 20 plié squats, and a one minute plank.


After my run this morning and my usual quick shower I made myself sit down and figure out the roller skate wheels. And here is the result….

They are done!!!! I definitely had to step outside my box for these sets of booties, but it was probably a good thing. I will be happy to knit something other than booties though.🤣


The only other thing I have done is watched a Hallmark movie and played Scrabble Go.

I can’t believe the weekend is over already!

Have fun!


Fun But Re-Ordered

It was a nice day!


I got up later than normal, but didn’t let myself do anything until I had done the yoga I had planned today. Normally I do my bike ride first and yoga later, but today it got switched. It felt good to know I had done something kind for my muscles.

This afternoon I went on a 9km bike ride with my teaching buddy. I like biking with her because she doesn’t expect me to be amazing at it and she’s very patient. We actually went from her place to a rec centre the town over. I had to deal with a ton of people on the trail but managed to not run anyone down or fall off. I also managed to ride on a bike route road. It was an amazing ride and I’d like to do it again, but go even further. Maybe next weekend.


Getting the roller skate booties done is a big priority for me this weekend. Today I got both booties made and the two soles made. I tried out a wheel, but my mom and I both think they’re too big so that will be tomorrow’s job- figuring out and completing the wheels for both booties and then assembling them.


After eating so much yesterday, I really haven’t been hungry today. I’ve had an omelette, chicken breast, and the last of my cod filets.


I’m reading a book and am almost done so I think I’ll go back to it.

Have fun!


A Glimmer

Sorry I thought I had posted last night, but I have to admit I was really tired!


I got up early yesterday so Dennis and I could do a ten k along the Central Valley greenway. This is an urban trail in the city next to mine to the west. It is definitely not a run I would do alone and we both agreed that there are a lot of bikes on it. Fair enough it is meant to be a bike route.

The nearest thing was being able to compare yesterday to when we did the exact same run in February. I was about a minute faster this time😀

Right before I crawled into bed last night I did a quick seventeen minutes of cardio as I try to keep my runs and workouts even. I just randomly picked moves and did them 100 times- squats, plié squats, high knees, front kicks, roundhouse kicks, rear leg raise, calf raises, jabs, hooks, and crosses.


I managed to get through all the work including the RAZ kids and Prodigy. I have one little guy who has gone through four levels of books! I am so proud of him!!

The best moment came at the end of the night when I got an email from one of the parents in my class. Their son has been diagnosed with ADHD in kindergarten. For comparison, most kids don’t get assessed and diagnosed until grade four, so that tells you how extreme he is. He has been one of my biggest concerns with going back to school, but they’ve realized it wouldn’t be best for him and are keeping him home!!🎊🎉. I am so glad!! I just couldn’t imagine him trying to sit there all day!


One bootie (not wheels or sole) done and onto the second:). Finally progress! I want these things done for Tuesday so this may be my top priority today.


Only three teachers could gather today so two of them brought their husbands who are friends and we had a garden party. It was an awesome afternoon as the two ladies are the two in the group I have been friends with the longest.

The rhubarb dream bars were a hit so I suggest checking them out if you have rhubarb in your garden.


I decided at the last minute that I had better take a second thing in case there was nothing else I could eat. I didn’t have a lot in the house, but threw a large spoonful of mayo, sour cream and cream cheese into a bowl, added a can of shrimp, and a quarter tsp of garlic powder, salt and pepper and mixed it all together. I put a dollop of seafood cocktail on top in the centre and some chives from my garden and I got compliments! Another easy, quick recipe if you need one.

I collapsed at the end of the day as it was a really long day, but now I’m back for more!

Have fun!


I’m going to hide

It seems like every day I just hear more stupid stuff so I’ll be under my covers until further notice!


I got in 5.08 kilometers this morning, slow and steady, during a downpour. I managed to run really slow today, and hopefully it helps me tomorrow.

This evening I did a quick workout. It was another BeFitDavis but I only did three sets instead of five. It was:

20 pushups, 30 squats, 15 hammer curl to military press, 1 minute plank, and 25 walking lunges with bicep curls.

My heart just wasn’t in it tonight:(


I got all the emails answered and all the work assessed. I then had a staff meeting. Ugh:(😖☹️😩

So the playground is closed and will remain closed, we are allowed to have kids run sprints across the field or go for a single file nature walk. How is a six year old supposed to spend all day at school this way? And if that’s not bad enough, Lunch will be shortened! We will get no preps except for Wednesday. Of course Wednesday is the day we’re doing remote teaching, but that isn’t really work and only takes an hour right? I am so angry I could scream. Oh and you may have kids five days a week if your class has emergency responder’s children or you could end up with kids of all grades if someone else has too many. If I hear I have to be flexible one more time, I’m going to get physical!!!


I made Rhubarb dream bars from the website, Noshing With the Nolands. They were super easy and so good and I was so upset that I ate two:(. I’ll be taking them to my teacher gathering tomorrow night.


I finally started a roller skate boot, but have to admit I’m not very motivated tonight. I want to have them done by Tuesday though!

I have mostly been reading and playing Go Scrabble. Now I’m going to crawl into bed with my book.

I’m very sorry that you got a rant two days in a row:(

Have fun!