A day full of family visits.


My mom noticed that I have been saying that my runs aren’t great a lot lately…well today, I can say I had an amazing run!!! I was back to my pre-summer speed and actually managed to knock five seconds off of my 5km time. I have a goal of running a 5km in 30 minutes. I realize this is slow for a lot of people, but it’s a goal for me. I have taken 12 minutes off my time and have 2 minutes left to get rid of. I think these last two might be the most difficult!

Family Visits:

I picked up my mom and we went in to have tea with my aunt, uncle and cousin. It was nice to catch up with them and my mom got some great hand-me-downs from my cousin. Thankfully they are about the same size and have similar taste! It saves me from seeing my mom in the same shirt continuously as she hates shopping for herself.

From there, we picked up my dad and headed out to visit my brother, sister in law and nephew. It was so great to see them!! We don’t do anything exciting, but it’s nice to catch up. I definitely have Gus withdrawal after a while. It can be quite funny though as my dad, brother and nephew are super similar and can get into trouble just sitting down. Today they did this and talked my mom into it too!

I won’t be surprised if my parents have scooters soon!


My parents and I hit the Meridian Arms pub afterwards. Now my brother and sister in law love this place, but I don’t think any of us were all that impressed with it today. I ended up with just a side green salad as the waitress looked aghast when I asked if there was a gluten free menu. My dad sent his fish and chips back as he said it was too chewy to eat and ended up getting bacon and eggs instead. My mom said the cheeseburger was pretty good and I have to admit the Orange Breezer drink I had was good.


After lunch we hit Costco to outfit my dad for the trip. He got a vest, two long sleeve shirts, a heavy sweater and underwear so he’s good to go:). I wish I found it this simple to get ready for a trip!

We also managed a stop at Art Knapp’s so I could finally get my herb plants and dirt. I even got them all planted today! I can’t wait to do some cooking so I can use them! I just realized I didn’t take photos of the plants so I’ll do that tomorrow.


Finally I added just under two more feet to the scarf for my friend and am much happier with it. It may even be too long now 🤣

I have also been working on my rug and should be able to finish this square tomorrow!

Well I’m off to bed as it looks to be another busy day tomorrow.

Have fun!


25 thoughts on “Visiting

    1. Heehee yes I did!🤣
      Yup my mom only likes to shop if I’m doing the shopping. She likes to stand there and give an opinion about what I’ve put on🤣

  1. I have a question. You said most people finish a 5K in 30 minutes or less. Do you have to hang out and wait for everyone to finish? I can’t run, I wanted to walk a 5K but it takes me 49 minutes.

    1. No everyone can do it at their own pace. The only thing you have to watch for is if the race has a cut off time as sometimes if they are closing roads they will have a limit, but that is mainly with marathons. You should do a 5k!!

  2. Fabulous family fun!

    I can relate to not a fan of shopping for clothes. I hate trying things on. I can get away with tops but pants and dresses have to make it to the dressing room! Ugh!!

    Happy Labor Day!

      1. Yes it’s been an adjustment for me from having my parents four minutes down the road to having here only a few weeks of the year! I try to overdose on them while they’re here

  3. Sounds like such a productive day and especially for your run time – good work! Add that to your Summer Bucket List which I know you are putting the finishing touches on before Tuesday morning. 🙂

  4. Yay for the good runs!! And I admire you for being able to knit… I used to crochet a loong time ago but totally forget how. Hmm tis’ the season to learn again- right?

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