I had a more normal day, I guess, but I realize now I definitely need a set routine for this working at home.


I didn’t know if I’d be able to run 5km this morning after running 10.56 yesterday and the whole way I was thinking I could turn around at 3, but I did it. It was a gorgeous morning and thankfully there weren’t a lot of people out yet. I was definitely not fast, but the mileage got done:)

This evening I decided to change it up a bit and got the stability ball out. I did a minute of toe taps between each of these moves on the stability ball: supermen, full sit ups, adductor squeeze, flies, reverse flies, side leg lifts, hip raises, back extensions, hamstring curls, pushups and pikes. I definitely felt some of these so it’s probably good I did some new things.


I got out first thing this morning to get groceries and gas. I haven’t filled up for that cheap since I was a teenager! I got yelled at st the grocery store because I didn’t understand their entrance system and then I forgot to get hummus and water flavoring and I bought too much food, so not the best trip:(


This morning I sent out an email with ideas of websites parents could visit this week with their children, all optional of course.

I then sent instructions on how to set up the Student Fresh Grade app. Of course, Fresh Grade was glitchy all day as I imagine we weren’t the only ones starting this process today. I spent a lot of the day answering emails about this from parents.

I also entered all of my students into RAZ kids, though I am hearing that I may not be allowed to use it. I think I might go with it’s easier to get forgiveness than to wait for permission!

I also had to read up on Microsoft Teams as we had our first staff meeting on it this afternoon. I think staff meetings are painful no matter how they come. What I learned from this staff meeting: maybe I’ve been rushing to do too much. I also learned I’m going to have a whole bunch more reading to do tomorrow on Fresh Grade.


This evening I worked on my sleeve. I have been decreasing and have done about thirty five rows, but you’d never be able to tell. I’m going to be old and gray before I finish this sweater:(


I’m still working on a book. I obviously picked too long of a book as I need some short ones to put me back on track for my reading challenge.

Well I wish I had more interesting things to tell you, but that’s my day.

Have fun!


31 thoughts on “Back to Work?

  1. It’s always tough getting set up with a bunch of new systems, and especially because you have to be helping your kids and their parents get set up too. Hang in there!

    1. Yes I think I’ve been expecting too much at the start here. Today I’m going to spend a lot of time reading how to use the program

  2. It sounds like you are making progress though, and it does get better. My Monday lessons had a much better flow and I discovered I could use my second camera to record video and even email it, so now I can send specific examples to kids that are struggling with a certain measure or two. I felt like I’d won a medal….it’s the small victories, so count every one right now, and two weeks from now it will be much better. 😀 I think you are doing great with such a huge learning curve to handle in a short time period.

    1. Oh Kathy that’s an awesome idea!! I always learn better when someone shows me so I’m sure the kids appreciate it!
      I am trying to slow down a bit today! I can’t wait for this to all feel familiar though!

    1. The yarn is so fine it just seems to be taking forever! I really need to thread through some waste yarn for both sleeves and the bottom and try the sweater on. Maybe I’m closer than I think

      1. Yes, that makes sense – I have pantry food from Winter so have not had to go out … it’s Lent so I won’t eat the cookies nor the chocolate hearts I got for Valentine’s Day for my little dishes. Had a bad day and ate the pretzels. I am a texture eater – if I have a bad day, I like something that has some crunch to it. I am like you – if it is not here now, I won’t eat it. It is too tempting.

      2. Oh I’m sorry to hear you had a bad day, but not sorry to hear I’m not alone. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

      3. Well, working has been difficult the last year and now more so with the staying-at-home/stay safe edict – it is better not to have stuff that is nice comfort foods, but bad for me around. I have thought it was a day or two later all week – for some reason I thought it was Friday today – maybe wishful thinking?

      4. I know – I stopped walking for a little bit due to the C-virus as I thought it may not be safe, but I think I need it for my mental health, so will go back to it and just mask up – I masked up one day (last Saturday) … it was cold, steamed up my glasses and couldn’t see anything!

      5. Our health minister said that if you were outside and maintained six feet of distance you didn’t need a mask and my friend, a retired nurse says they can cause more problems than they’ll stop. Just go early when there aren’t that many people around:)

      6. Well that makes me feel better – I miss the walking – I’ve heard that too if you mishandle the mask when removing it and touch your face. Finally the sun will be getting up earlier, if there is sun, so I can get out earlier. I don’t go out in the dark/dusk – too much crime. Thanks for making me feel like it is doable again AJ.

      7. It is definitely doable and from experience I’ll say the time outside doing movement definitely lifts the spirits

      8. We have another dreary and gray day, rain and possible snow flurries and the temps dropped 20 degrees. In the Winter, if there is no walk, I seem to be able to deal with that (mentally I mean), but if it is nice and I’m inside, not so much. I don’t want to voice that as people are very sick, or have loved ones who are sick or have passed away – I don’t want to appear selfish or uncaring. But to you, and a few others who enjoy running, walking, hiking I can say it. Our stats here in Michigan are terrible AJ – this is why I’m hesitate … we will reach 1,000 deaths, and are at 20,000 cases as of today in the state of Michigan – in our city alone, and it is just 5 miles wide, we have had over 100 cases and 6 deaths – that was from a few days ago … that is a little daunting to me. The weather will be pretty crummy the next 10 days, rain, snow and chilly … that makes it a little easier, but instead of getting things done, I’ve not been productive. I need to cut down on WP time … like we discussed, it just is taking up more and more time. Even though I’m not busy at work, there are some frustrations which seem to keep me later and later or I am trying to catch up on social media (news as well as other things, before I make it to WP … I’m behind in posting for myself!

      9. I can understand your cunundrum as those stats the horrible and yet getting outside is so important for mental, physical and emotional health. Maybe a fitness video inside while this horrible weather persists.
        I have stopped reading the social media. I check the official stats once a day and that’s it. It has definitely helped me and freed up some time. For WordPress now, I only read posts on the weekend. I hope some of these ideas are useful:)

      10. I usually don’t come here during the work day AJ. I did go out. I had to go our for mental, physical and emotional health. I am glad you said to do it … I walked 4 miles, fed the squirrels – they said it was gray and might drizzly. They need to return to meteorology school. It was blue, not a cloud in the sky, but getting windy by the time I was done. I masked up for now – dust filter mask. Over the weekend, I’m going to dig out some scarves, neckerchieves and a few bandanas. We are told not to go out of the house without being masked up – in a public place, okay if you’re out in the yard. There were six people there this morning, three masked/three unmasked. I needed that and it’s nice to be there as Spring unfolds. My concession is this – no camera, I don’t want to be fiddling around my face. I can take pics in the yard, driveway, may if I see flowers but not at the Park.

      11. Oh I’m so glad you got out! It really does make all the difference! Taking photos on your own property sounds like s good compromise

      12. That’s what I thought too AJ – I needed it and will need it in the future too. I came home feeling confident about my decision then just before I got here, my friend Ann Marie, sent me a text that her husband has Coronavirus. He spent six weeks (from February 12th until two weeks ago today) in the hospital and then a nursing home and is back in the hospital again tonight. Very scary. Yes, I thought it was a good compromise too.

      13. I hope so too AJ – he has been through a lot. She has been walking every morning, except when running to the grocery store to buy things which were never on the shelves. I guess she can’t do that now – she must self-isolate now too.

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