Today was a tough day. I am definitely not as productive or efficient at work as I am at home.


Today was a day I had to go into the school. I find myself torn in a zillion directions and don’t really seem to get much done. In addition, everyone is upset about different things and it eventually gets to me.

It definitely doesn’t help that plans changed twice today. As it stands now I will have five students on Monday and Tuesday. Two of those students will go to a different class on Friday and then I will have two students on Thursday and one student on Friday. Overall I will spend four days working with five students and then will have half a day for the other seventeen.

My class as it stands now. The white papers will be the islands the children will get to decorate. It will be their early finishers project for this first week.

I am really not impressed with this plan right now!😩😖😥☹️


I definitely had some emotion to run off so was glad I had a run with Dennis right after school. His allergies are killing him so we just did five kilometers. It was definitely a fast five k though! It was also the first hot day which always gets to me. It’s time to break out the shorts and tanks I guess.

I decided that I should get my workout done too right away. I did another BeFitDavis workout which led to 60 weighted squats, 100 swings, 60 reverse lunges, 40 heel slides, 60 hip raises, and 30 seconds each for both side planks and a reverse plank. Amazingly the heel slides bugged me the most. We’ll see if I can move tomorrow.


The one good thing of going into the school was that I can’t eat anything but I have planned. I’ve had a rice cake with Pb and jam and cheese, a mini kind bar, an apple and peanut butter and a turkey club lettuce wrap (my new favourite meal!)


I rewarded myself with another Hallmark movie tonight. I watched Love in Store and really liked it.

Well that’s it for me.

Have fun!


27 thoughts on “Tuesday Trials

  1. Thank you for sharing how your school is dealing with the reopening. (Is that even the right word?) There isn’t a perfect way to do it just as there hasn’t been a perfect handling of the whole pandemic. My son won’t go back to school until September so I’m interested to see how different places handle it. Good luck.

    1. I feel like all I do is vent on here lately:(. I hope it goes smoothly and well! It will be interesting to hear what his school is like in September.

      1. I was just waiting in line at a store and the women behind me were talking. One was a teacher. She said the state had just given permission to teach remotely until the end of December. I hope it doesn’t come to that but I imagine they won’t tell us until August.

  2. That seems like an odd schedule that only 5 kids will be in school throughout the week. I’m sure once you have a week or two under your belt then you’ll feel better about how to handle it.

    I love a good lettuce wrap! So refreshing

      1. I’m sure it will! Like everything, it takes time to adjust to something new.
        You’re making me want one haha. I love swapping lettuce for bread when I want a sandwich but don’t want it to be heavy.

  3. What a bright classroom! I hope the new norm will settle with you soon.
    I love the new mini kind bars. I would only eat half at a time anyway!

    1. Yup hopefully everything will seem normal soon!
      I love the mini bars as they are a more appropriate size for me. I just wish Costco got more than two flavors of them!

    1. Yup I only have five kids physically in the school- 4 on Monday/Tuesday and 1 on Thursday/Friday.
      And then I have 17 online

  4. I’m so frustrated for you with your return to school. What a hot mess! The poor teachers. The poor kids. This pandemic is so frustrating. I’m thinking of you.

    1. Thank you! It is super frustrating and I don’t like being this angry all the time, but it just seems like the people making the decisions aren’t making the right decisions for the kids!!!😖

  5. Very very difficult. How would you remember what has been taught to whom and 17 in half a day? How?

    I hope your bosses understand this might be too difficult

  6. Good luck!!! I’m not sure how my school will handle reopening. I hope and pray it goes okay for you …
    Love, light and glitter

  7. I don’t blame you for your frustration. That is a very difficult way to do your job, for sure. I have been homeschooling for 30 years, 8 are graduated and 2 more still in progress, and I can’t imagine how hard it is to handle a classroom under normal circumstances. I am sorry things are so challenging at the moment. I don’t know about you but I want my old life back. 😦

  8. I’m hoping things settle down for you quick! Good eats today! I had my drive by end of the year party for my kiddos today, saw roughly half my students so I’m countto g it as a win.

    1. Oh that is such a cool idea! I wonder if I will get to see any more than the five who are coming to school?
      I am hoping it goes smoothly and becomes the “norm” quickly

  9. I like how they can decorate their island – it makes it a bit less clinical. I could cry that young children have to learn like this. It must be so hard for them like it is for us.

    1. Yup we were noticing throughout the school today that it seemed subdued like the kids don’t know how to be there

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