Sorry for no post, I was just too exhausted yesterday!


A regular day at school. We learned about compound words, the Chinese New Year and that’s about it! It seems like we’re so busy until I write it down!


Yesterday was boot camp day. I’m thinking I didn’t push myself enough as I don’t hurt today. However, since my stomach was still unhappy, it’s probably a good thing.

We did: jump squats/pushups, sumo lunges to burpee/ front jump to iso squat walk back, bicycles/ banded adductors, stability ball hip raises and hamstring curls, stability ball sit ups and leg raises to hip raise, banded fire hydrants both sides, bicep curls/ tricep extensions, and deadlift to knee drive on both sides.

Socializing/ Eating:

I ran home and got cleaned up to meet friends for a Dine Out Vancouver meal. We do one meal a year and have tried some awesome places. I have to admit I often pick them based on whether I can have dessert! 🤣. Last night we went to Chickpea. I wasn’t impressed at first when I had to wait for a table, even though I had made a reservation. As well, they didn’t seem to have the staff to deal with the amount of customers they had.

I have to admit the food was really good, but there was way too much of it! I ordered cauliflower of life but there was also hummus, and a ton of different kinds of food that came with our entrees. I found out I liked the pickled vegetables, and the eggplant the most. Their chickpea fries were delicious too!

It was all very good, but I felt very sick by the time I left.

It was home and straight to bed!

Have fun!


45 thoughts on “Late

  1. That food looks so delicious. It reminds me of a Pakistani restaurant my husband and I went to recently. I could not decide what to order because it all sounded so good. We were the only diners at the time, so the owner treated us to a sample of so many things! I love trying new food.

      1. We definitively made out with the timing. I think we missed lunch and was early for dinner. Maybe 3:00pm? Regardless, we were hungry and they were happy to have our business! Win-win.

  2. sorry to hear you still aren’t feeling well. I hope it passes quickly. Crazy that they were taking reservations but still didn’t seem ready for the number of people they were seating. not very efficient! glad you enjoyed the food. did you end up having the desert you wanted?

      1. I’ve had some very early nights too. Unfortunately last night wasn’t one of them, but tonight will be!

  3. I was reading an article the other day about why you aren’t always sore after workouts. Being sore doesn’t mean you got a better workout than a day you aren’t sore. It just means your body is adapting better. Basically the author was saying how if you’re consistently not sore then you should up your weights, reps, length of workout to push yourself more.

      1. I did last night and had to work today – unusual as I’ve not worked on a weekend in quite a while. But it put me behind getting here – I’ll not even tread to Reader tonight but now I’m behind. No walk as it was very icy … ice on the snow on the streets and sidewalks and didn’t want to chance it, even with Yaktraks or cleats on. And freezing rain and some freezing fog overnight/early a.m.

      2. I’m really behind now as I didn’t even get a post up last night:(
        Glad to hear you stayed inside in that weather!

      3. It’s 10:47 and I just posted tonight and scared to venture into Reader – not been there since Friday night! I did get a walk in today AJ, but it was a little icy, especially at the Park. I had to dodge icy patches there and mostly walked on the grass which was snow and ice-covered as well. I only walked three miles today, but it was good to walk again. Nice for one more day, then freezing rain on Tuesday into Wednesday – horrid since we pretty much got rid of it later in the day when we got to 50 degrees (10 C).

      4. Yup I now have an entire weekend to catch up on- I don’t think I’ll ever get caught up now!
        That’s great you got out, though too bad it’s only a short reprieve!
        We had snow here today, but late this afternoon I noticed the sidewalk had been cleared by the city so got a 5km run in:)

      5. That is great the City clears the sidewalk – wow! Snow today – is it done snowing now? No chance of a snow day tomorrow I guess? Yes, a whole weekend is a lot of posts; exact same here. I’ve still not gotten to Reader yet, catching up on comments still. I was glad to get out … don’t like to go too long without walking, as I have to do less steps to avoid shin splints.

      6. They usually clear the sidewalk from the rec centre to the park as it is almost park the whole way- soccer field, skate park, dog park, etc. it’s been my life saver the past two winters!
        Nope no chance of a snow day. It doesn’t really matter to me as I still have to go to work.
        For shin splints- try pointing and flexing your foot for a minute a few times a day and build up to more. I used to get horrible shin splints and this is what was recommended to me and it really helped!

      7. That’s helpful for you! I forgot most teachers have to go to work anyway – so much for that idea. Thanks for the tip on the shin splints – I do get them if I overdo it, especially if I’ve not walked for a long time – I had not walked since last Saturday. I will keep this info handy for sure!

      8. Glad I could help:)
        Mi only have to go to work because I’m the snow person as I live within walking distance. Someone has to be there in case children show up.

      9. Oh, that’s too bad – well you are the most-reliable of all the teaching staff then. Years and years go we had a bad storm and I took the bus the entire time I worked downtown. So it was snowing pretty hard and I always took one bus ahead of what could get me downtown timely because sometimes the bus would break down and we had to also pass under a bridge that would raise for freighters to pass under it. Anyway, I decided to go two buses ahead of time … left the house and fifteen minutes later, they call to say you don’t have to come in til 12:00 noon. My mom said “well if you were going to change the hours you should have called before now – she left a long time ago.” So one other “bus person” and me got to work timely … we went in together and suggested we get a our half-day back as a vacation day – they were a bunch of stuffed shirts (first law firm where I worked) … administrative partner says “I’ll take it under advisement” … we ended up getting that 1/2 day and they never called that late again. I used it on Good Friday as we were closed a 1/2 day.

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