Well today was a better day, but I have to admit I hid.


We had a pretty good day. We did a class book about our favourite part of Halloween this morning. We only had a few repeats so it’s a good book.

For math we attempted to get our numbers 11-20 booklet done. Some of the kids got it done, but the rest had to put their books in unfinished. I will just be glad not to see that book again!

This afternoon we did our first STEM project.

The kids were super excited to do it and all were very engaged. It was a tough task as they only got four cups, 3m of yarn and seven pieces of tape. I had two kids who were in tears as their bridges didn’t hold spiders. It was very interesting to see how the different kids reacted. We definitely need to read some books about perseverance!

I have to admit that I just stayed in my classroom for recess and lunch today. I trawled through Ravelry at recess and spent lunch knitting on my sweater. I figure my classroom is my happy place so I’ll stay there.


I left right away after school and met up with Sarah for our workout run. We did the same run that I started with Dennis yesterday, but we did it out on a street. It was definitely not as fast as yesterday, but we got it done.


I have spent the evening knitting on my sweater and am hoping to have it done tonight, though it may actually be tomorrow night.

As I’m writing this I realized I have fallen behind on my jobs this week. Uh oh, I’m going to have a busy Saturday!

I also just realized that my fireplace isn’t working. I have a text into my cousin who is a gas fitter and since his collectors truck lives in my spare spot, he better not ignore me!

Well I’m going back to finishing my edging.

Have fun!


10 thoughts on “Hiding

  1. that sounds like a fun STEAM project. It is always interesting to see how different children handle the solving of the project AND the struggle when it doesn’t go well.

    I had many years where I just hung out in my classroom for lunch and planning periods… it is your space and you should feel safe there. Or you could always hide under your desk and make a secret special safe space?

    1. It is very informative to see their reactions and I hope I see growth in these areas as the year progresses as I plan to do a STEM activity each month.
      Yup my classroom is my safe, happy place so that’s where I’m staying. If I could fit under my desk, I would be there!

  2. That sounds like a much better day! Very interesting STEM project! Good for you hanging out in your classroom for your down time 🙂 Hope your cousin can get your fireplace going for you!

    1. It was a better day and I’m sticking with my classroom until things improve!
      He is coming Sunday so hopefully it’s not a tough fix

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