I like a rainy day when I have nothing to do, but today wasn’t that day.


I had planned to sleep in this morning, but I only made it an extra half hour. It was raining out so I really didn’t want to crawl out of bed for my run, but thankfully I had arranged to meet Brenda, so I had to.

All the way to Burnaby Lake I kept telling myself I just had to do at least five kilometers, I didn’t have to do the whole ten. I decided though that I had to run for a half hour straight as I worry about losing my half hour base.

By the time I got to a half hour, I figured I might as well keep going, but if the path got really wet and soggy I would turn around. It didn’t, so I ended up running the whole lake and I actually had a great run:) I took a thirty second walk break at 30 minutes and a forty-five second break at forty minutes, but that was it. That’s the first time I’ve ever run 10.11km with only two very short breaks and I actually still had the energy to pick it up a bit at the end. Of course, it poured rain the whole time I was out there!!!

I was super happy with myself as I had to run past the parking lot to meet Brenda (she usually meets me before I get to the parking lot), but then she said she had gone further before turning 🤪Ok I’m not super Runner yet 😜

I had a 6:54/km average and I’ve already ran further than I did in all of last year!


After tea, I came home and got laundry in and the bathroom cleaned. The two things I had to accomplish today before I would let myself knit.


I finally finished one pattern of the purple poncho I am working on. I need to get going on this faster!! Hopefully some tomorrow!


I had Bookclub tonight so I had to cook or bake something g today. We read The Little Paros Bookshop so it was obviously a French theme. I made cherry clafoutis. I got the recipe from GlutenFree on a Shoestring. It was super easy and tasted great! Even better I already had all of the ingredients:)


This month we read The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George. As a Bookclub we were evenly divided on the book. I didn’t mind the book and it kept me entertained, but it definitely wouldn’t be the first book I’d recommend to people. I found the pace was a little slow for my liking and I wasn’t all that interested in parts of it.

For me the main focus was on the friendship between the three male characters and how they grew. I could almost live without the whole Manon storyline.

I did find one quote I liked.

His father would have presumably signed up without hesitation for the three things that made you really ‘happy’ according to Cuneo’s worldview.

One: eat well. No junk food, because it only makes you unhappy, lazy and fat.

Two: sleep through the night (thanks to more exercise, less alcohol and positive thoughts).

Three: spend time with people who are friendly and seek to understand you in their own particular way.

Book club was of course, as wonderful as ever! I love being part of a Bookclub because it gets me to read books I perhaps wouldn’t on my own, it gets me to try cooking new cuisines, and it gets me out of the house!

The food and the cute babies help too:)

Well I’m off to bed as my eyes keep wanting to shut!

Have fun!


23 thoughts on “Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come Again Another Day

  1. sounds like a good break from the work week. (which you needed) glad you got to do a bit of so many of the things you love to do. that sounds like a good day to me

  2. OOoh, that looks like a very cute baby! Now for your run, do you wear a hood to stay dry, or do you run with a wet head? That was a great run, by the way. I made clafoutis with some of our plums, amazingly simple, but fancy too! FYI, I have an audio Moby Dick on hold, so I’ll let you know how it sounds when I get it. 😊

    1. That was an incredibly good baby!!!
      I wear a hat because I don’t mind running in rain as long as it’s not on my face.
      Ooo yes please do let me know. Maybe I need to give it another chance.

    1. Yes! I love my Bookclub as it’s super relaxed. My SIL’s sister is in a really strict one- I don’t think I’d like that at all!

    1. Oh it’s a very easy dessert. I’d say it’s a cross between pie, custard and a crumble as you put fruit on the bottom of a round cake pan and then mix eggs, flour,vanilla, sugar, milk and cream and pour it over the top and bake it.

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