Today was so much better since I followed my friend Brenda’s advice.


I got up and out the door for my run, but not early enough. It’s already busy by 8:30. I really wasn’t sure if I should run today or not as Dennis was saying I should be taking two days off a week, but I decided to go anyways since I’m so behind in mileage. It’s a good thing I went! I was just cruising along, not pushing the speed when I saw a “young” girl in front of me- probably early 30s. She kept checking her watch and I realized that I was gaining on her. I pushed my speed up slightly and overtook her!!! First time in my life I passed a girl!!! It felt really good though I realize she could be brand new or just coming back from injury, but she inspired me to push myself this morning. The end of my 5km was faster than my start.

This evening I did a quick workout my friend L sent me. It was 3 sets of 50 jumping jacks, 40 mountain climbers, 30 squat jacks, 20 bicycle crunches and 10 burpees. It was quick but definitely got the heart rate up!


I took the time to have breakfast, shower and get dressed. I wore my Love Note sweater today very happily. I’m going to try to wear something handknit or something I don’t get to wear at school (because it’s cold) each day.

I sat my butt in the chair, answered some emails from parents, read about Fresh Grade some more. The Getting Started manual they put out is the best resource I have found. It’s step by step and has pictures! I attended a district webinar that was useless, had a zoom conversation with colleagues about FreshGrade which was super helpful, and finished up my reading. We posted our first announcement today for our class. It was a kindness challenge which we’re going to post each school day. Today our students had to go tell someone in their family they loved them and why.

Today really helped in calming me as I now feel like I have some idea of how to start. That’s, of course, thanks to my friends, not my employer 🤣

The last thing I’ve done is my homework. Tomorrow we are posting a test assignment having the children make rock monsters so of course, I had to make my own.


I stuck to the plan Brenda had me make, mostly. Over Spring Break I found I didn’t need snacks, but today I did. I’ve had a small banana with peanut butter, a mango, homemade salami and mushroom pizza, and veggies and hummus and a couple of almonds.

My delicious gf/df pizza! I will be having one for the next three days too:)


Brenda also told me to identify one household chore I could do each day. This helped to get me out of the chair on occasion and gave me a great sense of accomplishment. I got my dishes done and I even hand washed my lunch dishes, a load of sheets washed, and my sheets changed. I can’t wait to crawl into fresh sheets tonight! I can’t believe the sense of accomplishment these little chores gave me and they broke up my work day really nicely.

Puzzle/ Podcast:

I worked on the puzzle for a bit after work while listening to my latest romance podcast. I am excited because someone told me today about some podcasts that are about the Great British Baking Show. I love that show and have been missing my podcasts since I’m up to date on them all. I will definitely be getting on this tomorrow!


I am still working on the sleeve but I made progress today because I finally put everything on waste yarn and tried the sweater on. I think I’m going to like it, just really need to get these sleeves done! I think I’ll undo and reknit a cowl after this so it will be a short project.

Well I think that’s it for my day.

Have fun!


12 thoughts on “I Passed Someone!

    1. Thank you! I was happy with how it turned out. The ones my students are doing are much more interesting and I actually saw a cool red one on my run this morning

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